I am Sibani

That's me, < Sibani Majhi >.

Hi, I’m Sibani Majhi and I’m 9 years old! I love to dance, draw, paint, and create all sorts of art and crafts. My mom is my inspiration and she teaches me new things every day! I’m also really interested in space and I love to learn about all the cool things that happen out there. I think it would be so cool to be an astronaut one day!

I also really like learning about modern technologies and how they work. It’s so cool to see all the cool things that we can do with computers and gadgets. I hope I can learn even more about them in the future.

One of my favorite things to do is travel and explore new places. I love meeting new people and learning about their cultures. It’s so interesting to see how people live in different parts of the world.

Overall, I’m a curious and creative girl who loves to learn and explore new things. I hope to keep dancing, drawing, and exploring the world for many years to come!